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Risley Grubbing Mulcher

  • Horsepower: 600 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 96 in (8 ft)
  • Overall Length: 303 in (25.25 ft)
  • Overall Height:133 in (11 ft)
  • Overall Width: 105 in (8.75 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 19 in (1.6 ft)
  • Ground Pressure with Mulcher Head: 6.3 – 7.3psi
  • Weight: 52,000lbs (23,586kgs)

PrimeTech RX-LGP

  • Horsepower: 275 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 98 Inches (8.2 ft)
  • Overall Length: 234 inches (19.5 ft)
  • Overall Height: 113 inches (9.4 ft)
  • Overall Width: 95 inches (7.9 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 18 inches (1.5 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 2.5psi
  • Weight: 27,756lbs (12,590kgs)

Risley Eclips

  • Horsepower: 400 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 96 in (8 ft)
  • Overall Length: 271 in (22.6 ft)
  • Overall Height: 135 in (11.3 ft)
  • Overall Width: 102 in (8.5 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 22.3 in (1.9 ft)
  • Ground Pressure with Mulcher Head: 3.9psi
  • Weight: 38,670lbs (17,540kgs)



  • Horsepower: 600 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 98.4 in (8.2 ft)
  • Overall Length: 248 in (21 ft)
  • Overall Height: 126 in (10.6 ft)
  • Overall Width: 108 in (9 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 24 in (2 ft)
  • Ground Pressure with Mulcher Head: 3.85psi
  • Weight: 37,000lbs (17,000kgs)

PrimeTech 475


  • Horsepower: 475 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 96 in (8 ft)
  • Overall Length: 288 in (24 ft)
  • Overall Height: 120 in (10 ft)
  • Overall Width:108 in (9 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 20 in (1.7 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 4.95psi
  • Weight: 47,000lbs (21,318kgs)

Lamtrac 8275 LGP

  • Horsepower: 275 HP
  • Cutting Drum Width: 108 in (9 ft)
  • Overall Length: 282 in (23.6 ft)
  • Overall Height:115 in (9.5 ft)
  • Overall Width: 117 in (9.8 ft)
  • Ground Clearance:17 in (1.5 ft)
  • Ground Pressure with mulcher head: 3.5psi
  • Weight: 29,000lbs (13,154kgs)