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Timberpro 830B Forwarder

  • Horsepower: 300 HP
  • Overall Length: 385 in (32 ft)
  • Transport Height: 144 in (12 ft)
  • Overall Width: 128 in (10.7 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: psi
  • Ground Clearance: 21.6 in (1.8 ft)
  • Attachments: Grapple
  • Weight: 51,920lbs (23,550kgs)

Hitachi ZX260F Short Wood Log Loader

  • Horsepower: 177 HP
  • Overall Length: 400 in (33.4 ft)
  • Transport Height: 151 in (12.6 ft)
  • Overall Width: 131 in (10.93 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 8.92psi
  • Ground Clearance: 28 in (2.33 ft)
  • Attachments: Grapple
  • Weight: 92,000lbs (41,730.5kgs)

Tigercat LX830 Buncher

  • Horsepower: 300 HP
  • Overall Length: 330 in (27 ft 6 in) Extended
  • Transport Height: 147 in (12 ft 3 in)
  • Overall Width: 134 in (11.2 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 30 in (2.5 ft)
  • Attachments: Tigercat 5702
  • Weight: 82,430lbs (37,389kgs)

Tigercat 822 Buncher

  • Horsepower: 300 HP
  • Overall Length: 175 in (14.59 ft)
  • Transport Height: 132 in (11 ft)
  • Overall Width: 132 in (11 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 7psi  
  • Ground Clearance: 30 in (2.5 ft)
  • Weight: 60,000lbs (27,215kgs)

Tigercat 845B Buncher

  • Horsepower: 300 HP
  • Overall Length: 175 in (14.59 ft)
  • Transport Height: 132 in (11 ft)
  • Overall Width: 132 in (11 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 7.6psi
  • Ground Clearance: 30 in (2.5 ft)
  • Weight: 63,500lbs (28,803kgs)

Tigercat 845C Buncher

  • Horsepower: 275 HP
  • Overall Length: 192 in (16 ft)
  • Transport Height: 132 in (11 ft)
  • Overall Width: 135.6 in (11.3 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 5.5psi
  • Ground Clearance: 27 in (2.27 ft)
  • Attachments: Tigercat 5702
  • Weight: 58,886lbs (26,710kgs)

Tigercat H855C Processor

  • Horsepower: 275 HP
  • Overall Length: 212 in (17.7 ft) *Less Boom
  • Transport Height: 130 in (10.8 ft)
  • Overall Width: 133 in (11 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 6.3psi
  • Ground Clearance: 27.6 in (2.3 ft)
  • Attachments: Waratah HTH623C Processor
  • Weight: 67,823 lbs (30,764kgs)

620C Skidder

  • Horsepower: 220 HP
  • Overall Length: 279 in (23.27 ft)
  • Transport Height: 124 in (10.34 ft)
  • Overall Width: 126 in (10.6 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 24 in (2 ft)
  • Attachments: Grapple/Blade
  • Weight: 35,494.5lbs (16,100kgs)

630D Skidder

  • Horsepower: 260 HP
  • Overall Length: 295 in (24.6 ft)
  • Wheelbase: 165 in (13.8 ft)
  • Height: 124 in (10.3 ft)
  • Overall Width: 131 in (11 ft)
  • Ground Clearance: 25 in (2.1 ft)
  • Attachments: Grapple/Blade
  • Weight: 37,250lbs (16,895kgs)

John Deere 2054 with Waratah 622 Processor Head

  • Horsepower:  141 HP
  • Overall Length: 382 in (31.8 ft)
  • Transport Height: 134 in (11.13 ft)
  • Overall Width: 126.5 in (10.54 ft)
  • Ground Pressure: 6.5psi
  • Ground Clearance: 18 in (1.5 ft)
  • Attachments: Waratah 622 Processor
  • Weight: 58,601lbs (26,581kgs)